Sunshine Thai Massage

Thai Massage

Thai Massage involves working and acting on the body with pressure moving tension, motion, vibration, and will be done manually. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm,and feet. Depending on the application and technique used, massage is used to promote relaxation and well-being, and is beneficial in treating sports injuries and other problems affecting the musculature of the body such as postural misalignment and many painful conditions.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is proven to release and reduce tension in muscles, improve circulation and encourage the removal of waste products such as lactic acid during high intensity activity and can help to relax the body. All of this helps promote recovery and reduces the chance of muscle injury. Those who are prone to overuse injuries often benefit from sports massage in between training sessions, as the muscles are allowed to relax and recover fully before the next session. In addition to the physical benefits, sports massage can help an athlete to mentally prepare for their activity or competition.

Head Massage

A head massage is a deep style massage that focuses on the head, neck and shoulders. A head massage applies a range of techniques to help reduce stress and release tension in the upper body. Massaging the scalp can help stimulate nerves and blood vessels around the area and begin to calm muscle tension around the head. A head massage can be both relaxing and an invigorating experience.
* Reduces aches in the upper back, neck and upper arms
* Increases blood flow to hair follicles, which could promote hair growth
* Promotes sound sleep
* Creates a general sense of well-being


30 min £30
60 min £40
90 min £70
120min £80  

30 min/  £55 per couple
60min/   £80 per couple
90 min/  £130 per couple
120min/ £140 per couple  

Hot Stones Massage    
60 minutes      £50
90 minutes     £80
120 minutes   £100

Sunshine Thai Massage

58 Bryn Street
Ashton In Makerfield

07568 463596